Terms & Conditions - ARY Sahulat Bazar Pakistan

General Terms and Conditions

ARY Sahulat Wallet / Card / Products [Comitis, Online & other Services]

Version issued in 16-Sep-2023

  1. Sahulat is a loyalty relationship product with reloadable wallet features and offers specific services and benefits for consumer purchases at Sahulat Business Alliances and/or online shopping at Sahulat Bazar etc.
  2. Purchases may include general products at store/e-store or particular products as prescribed by ARY Sahulat time to time.
  3. All adult individuals having a valid CNIC, Phone number and minimum 18 years of age are entitled to obtain any Sahulat product.
  4. The Sahulat products e.g. Card, Wallet, Save Gold 80%, Comiti, MilliGold, Dollar Deal, APFP and other products are offered to individuals only. Non-individuals, entities i.e. businesses, corporates, Trust or their employees, vendors and/or affiliates purchasing on behalf of business etc are not entitled for membership and/or benefits. Finding such facts, all benefits shall be withdrawn and relationship may be ceased. Sahualt has the authority to recover an disbursed benefits from such relationship.
  5. An Individual getting registered at ARY Sahulat for any product is termed as an ARY Sahulat Member.
  6. One member can have more than one Sahulat products at a time. Customer becomes Sahulat Member against purchase of any Product from the offered product suite using any channel on store, website and/or call center.
  7. ARY Sahulat engages different businesses as its Business Alliance or Business Success Partner to offer the benefits to customers on behalf of Such Business Alliance or Business Success Partner (BSP).
  8. ARY Sahulat offers cash top-up in a wallet attached with each product and a member can only spend that amount to any business alliance or on-line store of ARY Sahulat Bazar at its discretion. In no event the top-up can be withdrawn from Sahulat Wallet. Even in Comitis the member is given option to purchase a specified product out of the maturity proceeds of the Comiti or even lucky draw proceeds.
  9. The member is entitled to receive a declared percentage of the amount spent through Sahulat Wallet for shopping at ARY Business Alliance or Online ARY Sahulat Bazar as ARY Coins. This percentage vary from BSP to BSP.
  10. ARY Coins is a unit of saving or reward, offered by ARY Sahulat and it is distributed into 10% Gold and 90% Diamond jewelry.
  11. Such Savings are offered as Loyalty benefits and are comprised of an amount paid by Business Alliance and ARY contribution for an initial phase of membership. ARY’s contribution’s allocation percentage, time and value can be defined at an independent discretion of ARY Sahulat.
  12. The Saving and/or benefits, their percentages can vary from time to time and Alliance to Alliance. Members receive the Inapp or SMS alerts with relevant information.
  13. ARY Coins are having a value equal to PKR. 1.0 unless advised otherwise in the prevalent Schedule of Charge and Specification. This value can vary from territory to territory and this value shall not be treated as as Top-up and cannot be spent for general shopping
  14. A member can accumulate ARY Coins upto any value.
  15. ARY Coins as virtual currency can be used or redeemed in Diamond Jewelry (with Silver or Gold metal) or to pay against making charges, wastage charges and/or even payment of Sahulat Fee at a set value defined by ARY Sahulat in Schedule of Charges & Specification etc.
  16. ARY Coins monetization value to pay Sahulat Wallet fee is less than its monitory value. Such value shall be as per prevent Schedule of Charge and Specification.
  17. Redemption can be made only in specified products and such products can be added or removed anytime on sole discretion of ARY Sahulat.
  18. ARY Sahulat reserves the sole right to declare the prices of ARY Coins and the goods which can be redeemed against ARY Coins.
  19. A pre-declared processing fee for redemption will be charged against redemption transaction.
  20. ARY Sahulat has the right to claim and adjust any uncollected dues, charges, Fee or debits from any asset line of the customer’s relationship e.g. Wallet Top-up, Karachi Kings Top-up, MilliGold (collected as loyalty benefits), ARY Coins (upto the extent created against Alliance Margin), profit and prize amounts in any product.
  21. At redemption the member has to be present in person at redemption point with his original Sahulat Card, PIN and CNIC.
  22. All loyalty benefits including ARY Coins and MilliGold have a validity of 18 months since the day these are created and credited in customer’s account. Such benefits can only be redeemed prior to its expiry date.
  23. Any MilliGod which is purchased by customer will remain intact in his/her account until redemption took place and has no validity like an allocated saving (in Milligold) has a finite validity.
  24. Expired Loyalty Benefits cannot be revalidated or reinstated after its validity period.
  25. ARY Coins are not transferable to other Sahulat Member for any reason whatsoever. However, these can only be transferred through ARY Gift Card.
  26. ARY Sahulat offers transactions through different mediums e.g. Sahulat Card, without Card, online Web, SMS or with use of Mobile Application Interchangeably. Members should opt using any instrument by understanding and accepting the risks and rewards, associated with use of each instrument or transaction type.
  27. Securing and a careful use of the confidential transactional protocols/parameters e.g. PINs, Passwords and/or physical card is responsibility of the member. Any transaction which records the use of these parameters are deemed to be executed and mandated by the member and no subsequent claim will be accepted.
  28. ARY Sahulat wallet, card, mobile app as relationship / instrument are not transferable to any other individual.
  29. ARY Sahulat uses the member’s mobile number as Sahulat wallet number in its platform. It is responsibility of the customer to inform ARY Sahulat timely if the SIM, Mobile number is transferred, closed or any other material changes occur in details associated with Sahulat Wallet. ARY Sahulat is not responsible for any transaction takes place using such mobile number, application, card or credentials by anyone in knowledge of correct parameters as ARY Sahulat deems the same authorized and validated transaction. Therefore, updating ARY Sahulat timely for any material change in the ownership or discontinuation of the secure parameters is sole responsibility of the member.
  30. Amount deposited in Sahulat is called “Top-up Value”, which can be spent for payment against any shopping at business alliances or online shop. This payment earns saving benefit as ARY Coins and MilliGold (saving/benefit is a non-exhaustive list and can be added, altered and removed anytime).
  31. Any Top-up made in any product of ARY Sahulat cannot be cashed out from any point. All value must be used for payments against purchases at ARY Sahulat Business Alliances or online store.
  32. Brand Loyalty Club is an extended relationship of Member and any amount paid in Dollar Deal is a kind of Top-up which can only be spent over specified brand products unlike general shopping and/or converted into MilliGold.
  33. ARY reserves the right to offer promotional value back to the customers with any percentage, rate, frequency and/or period with its sole discretion. Promotional value back can be used as ARY Coins as narrated above.
  34. Other benefits like participation in Jeeto Pakistan or any other game shows or rewards announced time to time are not residual benefits of ARY Sahulat. These must be deemed as promotional benefits and ARY Sahulat can offer or discontinue the same at is sole discretion.
  35. Customers redeem rewards/prizes (won in game shows, draws or any promotion campaign) within specified time after paying the applicable taxes and/or redemption fee (if any).
  36. ARY Sahulat has the right to discontinue the promotional campaigns and associated rewards even before specified time on business conditions and the entitled winners have to claim the same within 3 months or as specified with promotional campaigns.
  37. ARY Sahulat has the right to cancel the promotional reward due to any unfavorable and/or unavoidable business conditions and offer encashment accordingly. Encashment value shall be determined by ARY Sahulat as per its own business arrangements with sponsors and/or service providers.
  38. Comiti products are classified as a Target Purchase products and shall not be considered a saving account, whereby the members saves in the Comiti wallet for a specified period and at maturity or allowed premature values, member can spend the same for specified products.
  39. The Comiti has a standard Term / Tenor of 20 months with a standard contribution of PKR 5,000 to 25,000 per month. However, the product is flexible for Tenor and value of contrition.
  40. A Comiti customer can go beyond 20 months and can pay a minimum contribution of PKR 1,000 unless specified otherwise to keep the relationship current and active for entitlement of any associated regular or promotional benefits.
  41. Member has to pay an annual wallet maintaining fee as per effective schedule of charges. This maintenance fee can be changed anytime on sole discretion of ARY Sahulat as monthly partial or lumpsum in advance.
  42. Member has to pay for an absent contribution fee if one does not pay even minimum monthly contribution in the Comiti as per updated schedule of charges.
  43. ARY Sahulat offers an optional lucky draw feature of the Comiti for the standard maturity value i.e. PKR 100,000 at a fixed frequency. Lucky draw is a promotional feature is not regular and permanent offering and can be discontinued anytime on discretion of ARY Sahulat.
  44. If the member is successful in lucky draw, the member is entitled to a standard maturity face value of the comiti including customer’s own contribution made in the comiti irrespective of its promotion.
  45. The amount topped up by ARY Sahulat against a successful lucky draw is called “lucky draw proceeds”, credited after debiting the dues including but not limited to processing fee, card, wallet maintenance fee, any absent contribution fee and others.
  46. The frequency of lucky draw in Comiti will be announced time to time and it is deemed as pure discretion of ARY Sahulat to cease the lucky draws any time without any notice or obligation.
  47. The successful members in lucky draw will be declared exempt from rest contributions upto the comiti standard maturity value.
  48. The lucky draw proceeds will be determined as “contribution payment performance percentage” presented by the member. Such performance will be determined as total amount paid in number of months from Comiti start date divided by total standard amount in Comiti @ monthly contribution per month. The lucky draw proceeds i.e. PKR 100,000 will be multiplied with the percentage of Contribution Payment Performance.
  49. The entitlement of inclusion of any Comiti member in Lucky draw is conditional with a regular payment of a minimum monthly contribution as per updated Schedule of Charges.
  50. From the maturity proceeds or lucky draw proceeds the member can only purchase pre-determined items specified in the product time to time.
  51. The member has to pay the additional price of the specified item if it is higher than the maturity proceed or lucky draw proceeds.
  52. The member can utilize the funds from his comiti as and when the cash value reaches to “Partial Spend Amount allowed” (as per Schedule of Charges and Specification) or in full during the term of the comiti.
  53. ARY Sahulat does not appreciate immature breaking of the Comiti before completion of the term or attaining to maturity value. However, in any unforeseen and unavoidable situations, the Member can opt to purchase any other allowed product upto the accumulated cash value in the Sahulat Comiti Account. Cash withdrawal from Sahulat or Comiti account is not possible.
  54. ARY Sahulat reserves the right to revise the product pricing without any notice upon receipt of product seller due to inflation and/or other business factors. Such changes can take place even during the term of the comiti being an independent factor. ARY Sahulat does not guarantee or commit the price of the product as pricing is offered by the product sellers.
  55. ARY Sahulat transmits SMS Alerts against different transactions, which are deemed as electronic receipts of transaction. Customer can request a physical transaction receipt from ARY Sahulat e-shops only.
  56. The member must ensure delivery and review of electronic or physical receipt for all transaction to avoid any financial loss. ARY Sahualt is not responsible for any claims on transaction, where the customer does not present either electronic or physical receipt of the transaction.
  57. Delivery of electronic receipts or transaction alerts (SMS) are dependent on many external technological and communication factors at phone carrier’s end and delay or failures are beyond responsibility of ARY Sahulat.
  58. ARY Sahulat reserves the right to share contact details to promote cross product sale of our Business Alliances by virtue of acceptance of this Term and Condition set.
  59. ARY offers smart saving in Gold in different products like loyalty benefit in MilliGold, independent MilliGold purchases or Sona Comiti and any other future products. In case the Gold is not available or cannot be dispatched due to above dispatchable quantity and/or Gold redemption is not available nearby customer, the smart saving can be sold to ARY Jewelers on spot buying rate offered by ARY Jewelers and payment against such sale of Gold can be made by ARY Jewelers in the member’s own account using any available payment mode. Gold sale setup is an alliance arrangement and ARY Sahulat is not party to such sale.
  60. In Sona Comiti, a fractional gold is accumulated in the member’s account instead of value. Such gold is purchased at a spot price displayed on the portal or communicated during transaction of the day as the Comiti contribution value is realized to ARY Sahulat. The price may vary from the transaction time and when the payment is realized to ARY Sahulat in case of any delay and price is changed up or down whatsoever.
  61. There is a cap to save Gold through Sona Comiti which stands 3 Tola or specified in prevalent Schedule of Charges ad Specification and a member can target redemption of any weight of Gold on the his free will within disbursable denomination as per Schedule of Charges and Specification.
  62. The Member becomes eligible to take over the Gold after reaching to the minimum disbursable denomination e.g. 500 Milligram (or as specified in Schedule of Charge) provided 6 months period from initiation of Comiti is elapsed. The disbursable denomination can be changed if the market trading rules/practice or the minimum denomination are changed.
  63. Accumulated Gold in Sona Comiti is delivered from only ARY Jewelers with a selected purity karat in Jewelry, Gold Bars, Coins. Standard Gold Coin, Bar or jewelry making and wastage charges shall be applicable as per prevalent Schedule of Charges.
  64. Cities where ARY Jewelers does not exist, the member can place online order for delivery of redemption or Gold upto the permissible Gold weight, which can be dispatched through post. In such case the cost of logistics and insurance (if needed) would be at part of the member.
  65. There is minimum 6 months period for accumulation of funds in Comiti. Even if the funds will reach to the specified product price, the member cannot spend the proceeds before elapse of given period.
  66. Taxes, Registration, Insurance, product accessories, performance, warranties, after sales service are not responsibility of ARY Sahulat and is not part of Sahulat membership or online deal. All such facilities, guarantees are extended as offered by the manufacturer.
  67. Due to different unavoidable business and market conditions, the delivery can be delayed which is not in the control of ARY Sahulat, hence ARY Sahulat cannot be held responsible for the delays due to such unforeseen situation.
  68. ARY Sahulat is not manufacturer of the product, hence in case of any variation in the quality and/or manufacturing fault in the product, the member should report the fact to the authorized service center of the manufacturer or the seller of the product, if any guarantee is extended.
  69. ARY Sahulat is not responsible for any loss of assets or lives whatsoever associated directly or indirectly with the use of product whatsoever, as the design, use and risks are measured and necessary guidance may be provided with the literature of the product by the manufacturer or seller.
  70. One of the Comiti variant offers different Umrah packages to the members at the time of joining, which include Visa, Travel tickets, Housing, Ziarat (for Umrah only) and Transfers between Airport, Makkah and Madina as agreed during the packaging the travel. The package does not cover meals, refreshment, medical or any additional travel or expenses whatsoever. Such details will be provided by the partner Umarah Operators.
  71. The delivery of Umra service is directly subject to the laws implemented at the time of plan or amended at the time of arranging such Umra visit. ARY Sahulat is responsible to facilitate the customer to accumulate the funds and connect him with a suitable Umara Operators with standard services. Ineligibility of the member due to legal framework is neither ARY Sahulat nor its partner’s responsibility. Any financial securities, security clearances and other legal formalities are to be completed by the member on his own arrangements.
  72. In case of any ineligibility of a member, such service can be extended to an eligible individual nominated by the member and/or a replacement of product of equivalent value in the Comiti product menu.
  73. The Passport, vaccination and other documentary requirements are not the responsibility of ARY Sahulat.
  74. Female and young members must arrange their Mehram / senior companions and their travel arrangements at her own. ARY is not responsible to extend any service to such companions unless a separate Comiti is arranged for them.
  75. In case of unfortunate demise of the pilgrim or any of his/her family member accompanying the travel is beyond responsibility of ARY Sahualt or its partner Umrah operator.
  76. Abiding by the territorial rules is responsibility of the pilgrim, in case of any breach of law or otherwise any legal complication shall not be responsibility of ARY Sahualt or its partner umrah operator.
  77. ARY Sahulat monitor’s the service standards as per projected plans for a maximum satisfaction of members, however ARY Sahulat is not responsible for any variation in the services provided by the Umra Operators due to any business or operational reasons on ground.
  78. All ARY Sahulat affiliation as member or business alliance are subject to acceptance of prevailing Terms and Conditions available in product documents, promotions, letters and communications. These guidelines, terms and conditions are inclusive of all amendments and newly introduced terms time to time. Any contradiction in any aspect of the product or benefit feature should be decided, interpreted and ruled out by the ARY Sahulat at its sole discretion.
  79. Sahulat Members are entitled to Smart Saving in terms of benefits and rewards with a set proportion of benefits at a set percentage payment transaction made at business alliance. Such proportion and percentages are defined in prevalent Schedule of Charge.
  80. All promotional and loyalty benefits, commodities, values which are not purchased by the member hence, can be forfeited, reversed, withdrawan and/or clawed back in case of any misrepresentation or wrong information or collusion in transactions.
  81. ARY Dollar Deal is a promotional product used to mobilize customers around platform for different businesses. Touch Reward Screen is part of Dollar Deal.
  82. The entitlement to Touch varies between offers, alliances, markets, products and seasons.
  83. There is an annual redemption fee in order to avail the rewards explored by the members using touch screen interface. Redemption fee paid once remained valid till close of its anniversary period.
  84. Members has to submit required details, pay a set amount of redemption fee within specified period as per prevalent schedule of charge.
  85. ARY Sahulat shall do its best to provide the rewards delivery within efficient time, however the institution is not responsible for any delays in redemption of rewards beyond control of ARY Sahulat as such rewards and benefits are promotional nature and offered and/or sponsored by the product manufacturers or sellers.
  86. ARY Sahulat is not responsible to facilitate through any ineligibility, disqualification, bar from law enforcement agencies, control lists, where a member is found intricated with. Such members shall be deemed disqualified and member forfeit his right to claim such reward or any allied legal recourse.
  87. ARY Sahulat offers different introductory benefits to entice and steer the members as customers for Cross Sell products between different alliances to promote the business. Such benefits include upfront or with sale/purchase transactions in gold benefits. All such benefits are promotional and conditional with different periodical commitment of shopping. Such benefits shall not be deemed as member’s entitlement or obligations on ARY Sahulat.
  88. Any upfront reward shall be considered an advance benefit and member is entitled to it by completing the prescribed conditions with product. Such advance reward is subject to recovery if the member is unable to complete the terms and conditions associated with such advance benefit.
  89. All products and services at customer’s doorstep shall be subject to “Home delivery charges” as per prevalent schedule of charge.
  90. ARY Sahulat does not support or become an instrument for any activity of Money Laundering, payments against ransom or other illegal, banned or beyond social interests of the society. And possesses a sole right to cease any relationship based on such findings.
  91. ARY Sahulat Wallet, Card, Mobile App has features of value topup and spending, but it should not be misconceived as credit card, debit card, or any other charge cards. ARY Sahulat Wallet, Card and Mobile Apps are only accepted at Sahulat Business Alliances for prescribed services only.
  92. ARY Sahulat Wallet is available in two different variants i.e. a conventional loyalty card in closed loop payment scope, ARY Gold Card variants and Sahulat|DIB Debit Card as a financial Services instrument.
  93. Only Sahulat|DIB debit card can be accepted on ATM and POS payment networks. Regular Sahulat Loyalty card, ARY Gold Card and Karachi King Card are not accepted on ATM or POS network.
  94. ARY Sahulat offers a variant called “Save Gold” program. A member can save from 50% to 80% of selected monthly spend value. The product has its own specified Terms and Conditions.
  95. If the customer pays the annual prevalent fee of card/wallet upfront, and tops up the wallet, he is entitled to maximum gold benefit of 80%, or upon payment of annual fee upfront with no topup entitlement is reduced to 60% and if customer opts to pay the annual fee from its benefits, the entitlement further reduces to 50%.
  96. Gold benefit of “Save Gold” is accrued through MGSS (Milli Gold Saving Scheme) for one year (250 days) and paid as per completion of shopping commitment. For shopping commitment review prevalent Schedule of Charge and Specification.
  97. Annual Fee of Sahulat Card/Wallet is different for Pre-payment and Post-payment plans. Review prevalent Schedule of Charge and Specification.
  98. Topup/Balance in both cards can be transferred between different relationships of a single member. All funds in all relationships and Transactions are subject to applicable KYC framework of ARY Sahulat.
  99. ARY Sahulat can ask for additional documentation to comply with its KYC framework. Such documents includes but not limited to ID Card, Job Card, Business Card, Salary Slip, Appointment Letter or proof of business or whatsoever is required to support the KYC compliance.
  100. ARY Sahulat has the right to refund any payment, against any order where the member is unable to provide the required documents for KYC compliance, especially for source of funds and income level.
  101. For Sahulat|DIB cards, customer’s relationship is ruled out under Terms and Conditions issued by ARY Sahulat as well as by Dubai Islamic Bank. Any incidental contradiction between both terms and conditions of Sahulat|DIB debit Card, the clauses issued by Dubai Islamic Bank shall prevail.
  102. ARY Sahulat Bazar is online store of ARY Sahulat and operates like a marketplace offering different products of partner alliances (sellers).
  103. In case of online order at ARY Sahult Bazar (e-store), ARY Sahulat does not guarantee the availability of the same product or price even after accepting the order as price and stock inventory management are at part of product seller. If the products opted from any seller, the brands at the time of placing order is not available or price has been changed, ARY Sahulat may offer any alternative product or return the amount back to the member. This is irrespective of orders are placed through Comiti or in cash using prepayment or cash on delivery modes.
  104. If the member opts to get the alternative product, he shall be responsible to make any differential of price between the payment made and price of new selected product.
  105. Any Payment made to ARY Sahulat using a Credit Card or Debit card or online transfer is considered that the member has paid from his own instrument. ARY Sahulat while refunding any payments against order cancellation, payments shall be made to the person whose card or account t is used to pay for the order.
  106. In case of refund against any cancelled online order, Taxes, Fee, Levies, MDR charged to ARY shall be adjusted from the refund value and not refunded.
  107. In case the product is dispatched against any order and customer denies the delivery, ARY Sahulat has the right to recover the courier, logistics and/or insurance charges (if any) from the refund proceeds.
  108. ARY Sahulat reserves the rights to add, alter and/or amend Terms and Conditions, Offers, Benefits, Inclusions, Exclusions, Services and its interpretations any time without any notice to the members. Nothing such shall be applicable retrospectively. Such changes would be updated in Schedule of Charges and specifications as and when it becomes due and published on its website for customer’s awareness.

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